The Company CellGenetics offers its clients services in several areas:

  • Genetic and medical diagnostic laboratorywhich deals with specialized analysis and interpretation of whole genome sequencing data; 
  • Non-invasive prenatal tests NIPT about your pregnancy;
  • Storage and collection of stem cells in the UK;
  • Preparation of genetic passport of your child;
  • Lifestyle genetic tests

How can we help our clients?

ГМДЛ CellGenetics analysis in the following medical areas: Prevention, oncology, cardiology, neurology, reproductive health, nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmology, endocrinology, immunology, chematology, hematology, congenital malformations, orthopaedics, dermatology, ophthalmology, ear-nose-throat.

This is the first and only laboratory in Bulgaria that offers the service whole genome sequencing:

  • Includes nearly 100% of human DNA
  • Has the highest diagnostic sensitivity and applicability
  • Finds application in all specialties of medicine
  • Shortens the path to genetic diagnosis for conditions with complex clinical presentation and unclear etiology
  • Represents the best choice for conditions with an overlapping clinical picture

Pregnancy is a special event that changes everything around you. We WE OFFER THE WIDEST RANGE NIPT and diagnostic test options - from evaluating a baby's entire genome to detecting specific conditions - so parents and doctors can choose the right test for each pregnancy.
As a pioneer of NIPT, the US Sequenom laboratory has analyzed over three million patient samples and we can present the largest evidence base of clinical publications for your peace of mind and informed decision making.

STEM CELLS from your baby's umbilical cord are invaluable they can save his life. That's why we've created a complete cycle of systems and processes, a range of services, a secure and precise way to store your baby's cord blood so that we can give your child access to the best possible therapies and treatments. We present най-голямата частна банка за съхранение на кръв от пъпната връв във Великобритания – Cells4Life. We also provide additional options for storing stem cells - umbilical cord tissue, amnion and placental cells. Imagine a world where we could build and replace a heart instead of repairing it. A world in which disease doesn't lead to disability and your treatment is completely successful. This is the future of medicine promised by stem cells. Your baby's stem cells can provide your child with the key to this new world.

Lifestyle genetic testsGENETICS CAN BE READILY AVAILABLE AND 24 GENETICS' DNA TESTS PROVE IT. No matter where you live, we'll deliver the DNA sample kit to your home and take care of everything. The role of genes in many aspects of health has been debated for many years, but today and now we can provide you with key genetic information to help you make important decisions to improve your quality of life. 24 Genetics' reports can be easily interpreted and made sense of by patients/clients themselves, while also being informative and in-depth enough for any healthcare professional with whom you might wish to share them.

ГМДЛ CellGenetics  works with world leaders in the field, our long-standing partners are BGI Genomics, Sequenom, Inc. part of Labcrp, Cells4Life Group LLP. All samples are shipped at our expense to contractors using DHL's secure medical shipment service. We have contracts with a large number of hospitals and medical facilities, including pediatric facilities.