In recent years, an increasing number of municipalities in Bulgaria have started to adopt their own regional programmes to combat infertility and the demographic breakdown, allocating funds from their annual budgets to financially support fertility and the treatment of peppoodyĸtive problems for the residents of the respective municipality. The approved amounts, as well as the criteria for approving the financial support vary widely from one municipality to another. Ruse municipality has a programme for funding for fertility treatment and this is the Assisted Reproduction Programme of the Ruse Municipality, where you can find out what are the eligibility criteria and criteria for ĸnding.

The requirements, modalities and selection criteria for applicants for financial assistance under the Assisted Reproduction Programme of Ruse Municipality are approved by Decision No. 1255, adopted by Minute No. 44/11.12.2014, supplemented by Minute No. 1274 No. 45/22.01.2015, amended and supplemented by Resolution No. 138 of Minutes No. 6/25.02.2016, amended by Decision No 204 of Minutes No 8/21.04.2016, amended by Decision No 727 of Minutes №28/14.12.2017 of the Municipal Council - Ruse.

Applicants shall submit an application, a declaration and a declaration of consent to the processing of personal data /formula/ with attached documents according to the established selection criteria in the office of the Municipality of Ruse. The deadline for submitting documents is 1 April to 30 April. April of the current year.

Within three weeks after the deadline for submission of documents /30.04 of of the current year/, the committee shall issue a decision and notify in writing the approved applicants. Financial support for the successful applicants shall be provided by Order of the Mayor of Ruse Municipality, issued on the basis of the Decision of the Committee.

Mandatory Requirements:

1. Medical documentation - (as required by the National Invitro Program).

2. Applicants have not been assisted by the Municipality of Ruse under the Assisted Reproduction" program within the year of application.

3. Applicants have not been assisted more than three times by Ruse Municipality under Assisted Reproduction Programme.

4. Candidates must have a permanent or current address - Ruse Municipality, not less than three years.

5. Applicants must be married or in a de facto cohabiting, certified by a declaration /free text/.

Selection Criteria:

1. Approval from the NHIF for funding assisted reproduction (for research, that are routinely required in preparation for assisted reproduction and are not not covered by the NHIF).

2. Proven need for medical documentation and expert opinion assisted reproduction procedures that are not funded by NOT FUNDED BY THE NHIF.

3. Family income - not less than 3 minimum wages.

The following are eligible for funding under this procedure:

1. Investigations that are routinely required in preparation for assisted and are not covered by the NHIF, including:


Transmissible infections /preceding each procedure/;

Genetic testing - for both partners.

To approved applicants for financial assistance for research that is routinely necessary in preparation for assisted reproduction and are not covered by the NHIF, the allocated funds of up to BGN 600 shall be granted on presentation of an invoice for actual expenditure incurred.

The time limit for the disbursement of funds to approved applicants shall be within the budget year concerned.

2. Assisted reproduction procedures that are not financed by the NHIF, including:

Insemination by the partner;

Donor insemination;

In vitro on a natural cycle;

Invitro procedure with donor material;

Testicular and/or epididymal biopsy (TESA, PESA);

Coculture of embryos with endometrial cells;

Embryotransfer of frozen embryos.

The approved candidates for financial support for assisted for assisted reproduction procedures that are not financed by the NHIF are allocated funds by type and in amount as follows:

Insemination by the partner - up to 800 lv.;

Donor insemination - up to 1000 BGN;

Invitro on natural cycle - up to 1500 BGN.;

Invitro procedure with donor material - up to BGN 2300;

Testicular and/or epididymal biopsy (TESA, PESA) - up to 1500 BGN;

Coculture of embryos with endometrial cells - up to 1500 BGN;

Embryo transfer of frozen embryos - up to 1500 lv.

Approved applicants shall be granted the funds on presentation of an invoice for actual expenditure incurred and a medical document from a specialised clinic for assisted reproduction procedure carried out.

The time limit for the disbursement of funds to approved applicants shall be within the budget year concerned.

Administrative documentation

Application form /downloadable file/

Sample declaration /file to download/

Declaration of consent to the processing of personal data /downloadable file/

Proof of income /for the previous six months/;

Declaration /free text/ of de facto cohabitation.

Marital status information will be verified ex officio;

Information on permanent or current address in Ruse municipality will be verified by
official channels.

Medical documentation

Expert opinion / for applicants under position 2 - for assisted procedures
reproduction that are not funded by the NHIF;

Copy of the approval order from the National Fund for Assisted Reproduction /for
those applying under item 1 - for studies that are routinely required in
preparation for assisted reproduction and are not covered by the NHIF;

Evidence of surgical intervention (laparoscopy or laparotomy) proving
obturation or absence of fallopian tubes and/or hysterosalpingography demonstrating
the same;

Two spermograms - in the presence of a male factor;

One spermogram - in the presence of female factor;
A set of medico-diagnostic examinations.

As of April 1, 2024 the reception of documents under the Assisted
Reproduction (Invitro) Programme of the Ruse Municipality will start.

Applications will be accepted from 01.04.2024 to 30.04.2024, with
the designated committee within three weeks after the deadline of 30.04.2024.
shall issue a decision and notify the successful applicants in writing. Financial
The financial support of the approved applicants shall be provided by Order of the Mayor of the Municipality
Ruse, issued on the basis of a decision of the Commission.

The target group of the programme are couples (family or living
in de facto cohabitation) registered on the territory of Ruse Municipality,
who have reproductive problems, meeting the criteria established in

1. Administrative documentation:

- Application to the Mayor of Ruse Municipality - by template (downloadable file - website of
Ruse Municipality, menu "Ruse Municipality", section "Health", subsection.
"Assisted Reproduction");

- Declaration of knowledge of the terms of the programme - template (file for
download - Ruse Municipality website, menu "Ruse Municipality", section "Health",
"Assisted Reproduction Program" subsection);

- Declaration of consent to the processing of personal data - template (file for
download - Ruse Municipality website, menu "Ruse Municipality", section "Health",
"Assisted Reproduction Program" subsection);

- Proof of income (for the previous six months)- for both

- Declaration of de facto cohabitation (free text).
Information on marital status is verified ex officio.

Information on permanent or current address in Ruse Municipality is verified by
official channels.

2. Medical documentation:-

Expert opinion (for applicants under item 2 - for procedures under
assisted reproduction procedures that are not financed by the NHIF);

- Copy of the approval order from the National Assisted
(for those applying under item 1 - for research that is routinely
necessary in preparation for assisted reproduction and are not covered by the NHIF);

- Episcopy for surgical intervention (laparoscopy or laparotomy),
demonstrating obturation or absence of fallopian tubes and/or hysterosalpingography,
proving the same;

- Two spermograms - in the presence of male factor;

- One spermogram - in the presence of a female factor;

- A set of medico-diagnostic examinations (copies).

Application for inclusion in the programme will be made only once a year
- from 01 to 30 April 2024.

Application documents: application and declarations (template),
can be obtained at the Information Centre of Ruse Municipality (6 Svoboda Square) or
on the website of Ruse Municipality - Assisted Reproduction Programme.

For more information you can contact the experts from the Public
Health Directorate of the Health and Social Activities Department of the Ruse Municipality, rooms No. 32 and
№36 (2, Cherno More Str.); For enquiries and information tel. 082/506 755, 082/506 794 and
GSM 0885/397 831.

Charity campaigns of Invitro Clinic "Medical Center Dr. Kunev"

For several consecutive years the team of the Invitro Clinic "Medical Center Dr. Kunev" organizes reproductive health months by presenting campaigns related to free procedures and manipulations. Performing free inseminations and spermograms, also free ovarian reserve testing.